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Managing consultation with communities and corporations including Native Title Holders and claim groups.


Good consultation can take time; for example, to develop and communicate objectives, receive feedback and – most important – establish credibility and trust.

Whether working with governments, private companies, not for profit organisations or communities, Paramount understands the requirements of identifying all stakeholders, consulting widely and engaging with all people who may be impacted by, and influential in, the achievement of outcomes.

Consultation may take a variety of forms including interviews, workshops, structured surveys and unstructured discovery/brainstorming techniques.

We have a deep understanding of consultation requirements when dealing with Aboriginal groups and communities.  Levels of influence and authority are also important from individual community members, to family groups, board directors, historical interests, traditional owners, and native-title holders.  Lasting solutions are only possible if consultation is carefully project managed and occurs widely, openly and allows repeated opportunities for people to contribute.


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