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Project Snapshot


The RSP Procurement Project was an innovative response for the Housing Authority to go to an open market tender to procure property and tenancy management services for remote Aboriginal communities. It represented an opportunity for Aboriginal Housing Services (AHS) to implement performance focused contracts, seek value-for-money and improve levels of service.


The key objectives of the project were to:



Procure long-term property and tenancy management services across the six remote regions; 


Introduce more robust, commercially focused contracts through the State Treasury’s Goods & Services framework; and


Incorporate a number of business initiatives and process / policy improvements into the contracts.


Project Outcomes


The RSP Procurement Project was delivered in two phases: 


Delivery - This involved the development of a performance focused contract, activities associated with the tender process, evaluation of responses and award of contracts under the Goods and Services procurement guidelines; and 




Transition - Focused on implementation of new/updated processes, procedures and technology requirements introduced as a part of the project initiative and coordinating the mobilisation and demobilisation of successful and unsuccessful RSPs. This phase also included development of Contract Management Plans for each service provider that contains key information about how the contract is managed, including systems and processes for contractor compliance to delivery of the services outcomes.



A budget of $1,238,833 was allocated to complete the project. The total cost of delivery was $1,230,508 which represented a figure of 1 percent under the allocated budget.


The National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing (NPARIH) milestone targets tied to funding payment dates (February 2015 and September 2015) were also met and delivered $32.34 million of NPARIH funding to the Housing Authority.


An internal audit of AHS readiness for the RSP Procurement Project was performed and assessed against elements of better practice principles as described by the Prince2 and KPMG’s project management methodologies. The findings noted that all sixteen elements were aligned to better practice (green status). 




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PERTH, Western Australia, 6000


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