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Project Snapshot


To conduct a ‘broad ranging review of the State Governments procurement practices to ensure that probity and value for money remain at the forefront of the State’s procurement policy” (as per election commitment). This included a review of the Procurement Transformation Division within the Department of Housing and Public Works.

As part of the Government’s election commitment, the IDC review provided the opportunity to undertake a review of procurement with a focus on:



The approach and timeframe that should be adopted regarding designing and implementing material changes to Queensland Government procurement functions and practices; and


Further opportunities for innovation in procurement approaches, including the opportunities for collaboration, the need for a Government Technology Blueprint and to look for opportunities to use procurement to advance broader social and economic objectives of Government.

Project Outcomes


Established and supported the Inter-Departmental Committee (IDC) - Queensland Government Procurement.



Ensured the IDC achieved the requirements for establishing the IDC.


Identified, established and supported an agency reference group and an industry reference group to support the IDC.



Identified best practice procurement solutions that were relevant to the requirements of Queensland Government.


Reviewed the current state, functions and performance of the Procurement Transformation Division and made recommendations relating to the ongoing role and functions for a Procurement Transformation Division and which agency should host these functions.



Identified the requirements of procurement in government agencies and how a central body may be identified, structured, located and resourced to support these requirements.



Identified for Cabinet how the recommendations will be implemented, by which host agency, over what period of time and under what performance management and assurance framework.


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